Greetings Followers! It has been quite sometime since I have engaged on this forum, for which I am deeply apologetic. I have found myself "caught up" with consultancies and my son, that sitting in front of the laptop outside of work proved itself challenging--almost disruptive to the little bit of escapism that I could afford myself. However, as the COVID-19 Pandemic has become...
Two months ago, we celebrated my friend Hardeep's wedding to her long-term partner, Ernest. The wedding was a myriad of delicious assaults to the senses: spices, exotic foods, and music packed sensory punches; and then there were the ensembles. Hardeep is Indian Sikh, Ernest Ghanaian. Theirs was a love affair that battled tradition and culture, ending in two culturally diverse nations meeting in...
All day, I sat contemplating what to write for International Women's Day, and all I could think of was WAKANDA FOREVER... Last week I went to see Black Panther with my husband. Can we just say "STUNNING!" After the film, discussions ensued on various symbolism, parallels and lessons mirrored in the fabric of our society today. However, our discourse focused more on the...
b o l d This London Fashion Week, it seemed as though bright colours stole the street style scene, especially when it came to the colour r e d. I opted for a vibrant blue and yellow ensemble instead. I have had this blue coat for nearly two decades now, which I had bought in the US when I was an undergraduate (I...
"Vegetarians are just like everyone else. It's the Vegans who aren't!" I heard someone on the tube say this, which made me chuckle inside. The discussion was around Christmas dinner, and the "hassle" of having to cater to their Vegan in-laws who would be spending Christmas with them (I was not eavesdropping, they were just too loud). It inspired me, to do a...
SEASONS GREETINGS EVERYONE! It has been way too long since my last post, and I promise not to leave it for this long in the future. Of course, work and child-rearing has seen me too busy to concentrate on the blog, which is also why this year's Christmas guide is TEN days late. However, I hope not too late. This year, I decided...
Being environmentally friendly is fashionable in itself. We want to be turning heads for all the right reasons – Victoria Jones, founder of S A Y A Designs. Have you ever noticed that I have never posted about hair accessories of any kind. It is no coincidence. When I post about issues and objects they must represent something personal to me, and I have...
Laura Zabo wearing one of her Ovals Necklace "Since my time in Africa, not a single day has passed without crafting something new and trying out new techniques. In the process I have succeeded in engaging a growing community of friends, family, creative artists and outlets, all with great enthusiasm.Our first steps were very straightforward to tyre recycling." - Laura To start any story, we...